February 14, 2024
6 min read

How do you increase bar sales and lure guests with background music?


In the fast-evolving and competitive landscape of the food and beverage industry, bar owners and managers are constantly looking for innovative ways to improve guest satisfaction and increase bar sales.

The strategic use of background music is a cost-effective yet powerful tool that enables F&B establishments to influence consumers, from dwell time to patron spending. Through music curation, it is possible to strengthen brand identity and customer loyalty.

Meanwhile, a poor music experience (irrelevant tracks not matching the ambiance, multiple ads, music stopped when there is no Internet connectivity, etc.) may irritate clients, cause churn, and encourage negative feedback.

In this article, you will learn how tailored music selections can help you engage the audience, and ultimately, increase bar sales. Let’s get started.

How does music affect customers and help increase bar sales?

Music has a psychological impact on consumer behavior. It can affect emotions, actions, and even decision-making processes, for example, buying decisions. By providing effective music curation, you can create an inviting atmosphere, boost social interactions, and make patrons feel more excited and happy.

Recent studies and reports have underscored the significant role background music plays in improving customer loyalty and pushing up sales in bars and restaurants.

Music and overall ambiance were cited as essential attributes for clients returning to these venues, especially among millennials. Background music not only caused respondents to stay longer and spend more on food and drinks, but it also delivered more memorable experiences.

Various surveys have shown that music tempo, volume, and genres can significantly influence guest behavior.

A study by North, Hargreaves, and McKendrick (1999) found that different types of music may have an effect on the amount of time people spend in a bar. Slow-tempo tunes encouraged longer stays. Fast-tempo songs, in turn, reduced patron dwell time at the venue.

The reason lies in the psychological impact of music rhythm and pace on our time perception. Slow compositions tend to relax the mind, making time seem to pass more slowly and stimulating clients to linger.

Volume is another important factor. Experts say that louder music can raise arousal levels, resulting in faster drinking and more frequent orders. However, there is a fine line; excessively loud music may distract visitors from conversations and just irritate, leading to higher churn and a drop in sales.

Why is it important to match genres with a bar’s theme?

When looking to increase bar sales through music, it is crucial to select it properly. Since music can either lure or push customers away, the key is to find a perfect fit between the target audience and the genres you play.

For instance, jazz or classical music allows for creating a sophisticated, elegant ambiance, attracting an older or more wealthy clientele. Pop, rock, house, and EDM, in contrast, can energize the atmosphere, captivating younger people who wish to have a lively night out.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology highlighted how playing culturally congruent music in a wine bar (French music with French wines and German music with German wines) could affect purchasing decisions.

Analysts proved that matching the music genre with the bar’s theme can influence consumer preferences and push up sales in specific categories.

Find out what kind of music you should play at your bar and how to choose it.

How can music influence drinking habits?

If you aim to increase bar sales, you should know how background music may affect drinking habits. The report published by the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science revealed that an optimal combination of high music tempo and volume can lead to higher consumption rates.

Experts believe that such music conditions heighten sensory stimulation, which can reduce individual self-awareness of consumption.

On top of that, music may influence the perceived taste and enjoyment of drinks. A study in the field of gastrophysics found that certain music types can enhance the sensory experience of tasting wine. It also suggested that the right music makes customers more likely to enjoy their drinks and order more.

How do you create a great music experience in your bar?

Apart from playlists tailored to your bar, you should achieve ease of background music control and playback without interruptions, even if the Internet is lost. Furthermore, ensuring compliance with licensing requirements is vital to avoid fines and lawsuits from music rights holders and CMOs.

Keep in mind that playing music via Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, and other B2C streaming apps for commercial purposes is illegal, as they are developed for private use only. But chin up!

The market offers a range of B2B music curation platforms that contain licensed songs only. The best solutions generally enable you to automate background music management at your F&B establishment and help increase bar sales. 

Moodby Play is a leading European vendor of licensed music streaming services for public places. The product has a lot of playlists compiled by professional DJs specifically for bars. When composing music selections, our DJs consider all the required aspects, from the venue type to the cultural background of the country a business is based in.

Regarding functionality, Moodby Play provides features like playlist scheduling, centralized music control across multiple locations, an explicit lyrics filter, access from any device and place, as well as the possibility to add team members.

You will also get access to a jukebox app for bars that lets guests request their favorite tracks via web and mobile gadgets.

Start a 30-day free trial and start streaming in just a few minutes.🎁

* Please note that Moodby Play and Moodby Jukebox are available to public places and their customers in Austria, Poland, Ireland, Romania, Belgium, and Cyprus.

Summing it up

Thanks to tailored background music, bar owners and managers can influence patron behavior, from the time spent in the venue to drinking habits and buying decisions. Finally, you will be able to increase bar sales.

By adjusting the music’s tempo, volume, and genres considering the target audience’s preferences, bar’s theme, time of day, etc., food and beverage establishments can design an enjoyable, inviting atmosphere that encourages guests to stay longer and spend more.

As the F&B industry continues to evolve, it is crucial to focus on luring potential and existing clients to attract visitors, boost retention, and build loyalty. If used properly, music may become an effective tool to improve the customer experience, strengthen brand identity, and generate higher profit.

So, leverage the power of music and find your bar a step ahead in today’s competitive landscape!

Diana Maltseva